Rebelling Against Low Expectations

By Tim Elmore of

Five years ago, I read a book by two teenagers named Alex and Brett Harris. Maybe you read it too—it was called Do Hard Things. It challenged their peers to not settle into the lifestyle of a typical high school or college student, getting lost in selfies, video games, Facebook updates and narcissism. They gave credence to the idea that we become the best version of ourselves when we “do hard things.”

I love it.

“There are so many ways in which doing hard things as a teenager and in college prepared me for what I’m doing today,” Alex says, who is in his last year at Harvard Law School. He is an editor of the prestigious Harvard Law Review and plans to clerk for the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals next year in Colorado. The hard choices weren’t always big ones—opting to read rather than watch TV, to study rather than play video games, to join the debate team rather than the basketball team.

Image Source: The Rebelution

“Doing hard things in one season prepares you to step into the next with momentum and purpose,” he wisely points out. Their books and their challenge (the Rebelution movement) was launched by teens, for teens, and frankly, I believe that’s far more effective than a challenge from some Baby Boomer or Gen Xer. Everything these guys do is counter-cultural and counter intuitive in our current world of speed, comfort and convenience. … and it’s really working for them.

“That’s because rebelling against low expectations and doing hard things is a mindset that grows with you,” his brother Brett affirms.

What This Means Today

Now here’s the clincher: Brett still works with their Rebelution movement but has spent most of the past two years caring full-time for his wife, Ana, who suffers from Lyme disease. A tick-borne illness, Lyme disease has serious implications if left untreated. Ana was probably bitten when she was 10 but wasn’t diagnosed until a few months after their marriage. Along with maintaining doctors’ appointments and medical options, Brett cooks for her, bathes her, carries her up the stairs, and, during her sickest months, helped her manage the panic attacks induced by the bacterial infection in her brain. Wow… talk about a whole new application for “doing hard things.” It now surrounds caring for his disabled wife—nothing glitzy or glamorous, nothing the media wants to cover or photograph. But listen to Brett’s rationale for how he handles his current hardship:

“If I’d spent my teen years running away from responsibly and difficulty, what would I do now? I could have zoned out, played video games and found ways to escape. I could have pushed the responsibility onto her parents instead of taking that on myself.”

Our Take Away

As I mused about these two guys in their mid-twenties now, I was challenged in my own parenting, teaching, coaching and training of students. These guys “got it” when they were teenagers. Somehow, the adults in their life weren’t consumed with “preventing” tough things from happening, but preparing the boys for life. Let me offer some principles we must buy into if we’re to do the same with our students:

  • As leaders of learning, we must communicate that everything they do now either prepares or ill-prepares them for the future. Each stage is a rehearsal for the next stage.
  • We must enable them to see the long-term ramifications of their actions.
  • We must teach them to check their motives for what they do. Is it all about getting noticed or famous… or is it about their development?
  • We must equip them to take on difficult challenges, knowing this acts as a workout for future challenges.

I love the advice Alex and Brett have for parents today: “We can’t shield our kids from hardship and then hope to release them into a suffering-free existence in adulthood. Loving your children means preparing them for hardship by allowing them to engage with the world, deal with the consequences of their actions and work through inevitable disappointments and failures.”

This is a philosophy that many books on discipline mention. It is also a great way to enter 2015, don’t you think?

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For Parents: 17 Dos & Don’ts

By Grant Jenkins of

1. Do support the Coach, especially in public and in front of your child.

  • Regardless of the emotions, always remember that the Coach has every one of their young athlete’s best interests at heart.
  • If there is a disagreement, settle it privately.
  • It’ll benefit all parties.

2. Don’t let ‘Did you win?’ or ‘What was your time?’ be the first question you ask your child.

  • Rather ask ‘How’d you compete?’ Or even better ‘Did you enjoy it?’
  • Not every kid is going to become a champion, but every kid has the potential to continue loving and growing the sport through coaching, administrating or sponsoring it.

3. Do love your child for who they are.

  • First and foremost you are a parent. And your priority is to nurture and love your children.

4. Don’t let your child’s results affect your mood.

  • If you find yourself grumpy or angry after a race where results didn’t go the way of your child, it’s time to reflect on why you feel the need for them to succeed.

5. Do give your child space to grow and mature.

  • Your aim should be to make yourself redundant, in sport and in life.
  • Remember, junior sport is about them, not you.

6. Don’t focus on the outcomes.

  • It’s called ‘developmental’ sport for a reason – it helps kids develop.

7. Do focus on the processes.

  • The best athletes realize they can’t always control the result, so they focus on what they can control: their processes.
  • What was their pre-comp nutrition and preparation like? Did they follow the coach’s instructions? Did they compete the entire event?

8. Don’t tolerate bad sportsmanship from your child nor their Coach.

  • You’re not judged as a parent on your child’s accomplishments.
  • You are judged as a parent on how they behave, treat other people and respond to good and bad situations.

9. Do model good sportsmanship.

  • We learn more seeing than hearing. And we learn the most from people we care about.
  • No matter the circumstance, be the person they can respect and admire.

10. Don’t get too excited about good abilities.

  • Every sport is littered with ‘talented’ athletes who drop out, burn out and, in the end, lose out.

11. Do get excited about good attitudes.

  • Good, healthy attitudes can be carried over into school, work and relationships.
  • They can ensure your child continues to succeed well after they hang up their boots.

12. Don’t discuss (read: gossip) other parents or coaches.

  • Every sporting community becomes highly insular and that conversation will get back to the subject.

13. Do build good relationships with the other parents.

  • Hopefully you’ll be involved in these sports for life so develop good, strong relationships for you and your children.

14. Don’t compare your child’s journey to another child’s journey.

  • Some children mature early, others late. Some are exposed early, others late. Some peak early, others late. Some specialise early, others late.
  • Each child is on a different path.

15. Do let your child fail, make mistakes and experience the consequences of their actions.

  • This is how we learn and grow and develop.
  • Help them become independent, resourceful and confident.

16. Don’t let your child’s results be your identity.

  • You’ve had your turn, this is theirs.

17. Do enjoy the journey.

  • The reality is most kids aren’t going to ‘make it’ in their chosen sport. But this shouldn’t stop them from trying; rather relish the pathway they have chosen and embrace the struggle of improvement.

As a parent, that would be a fantastic legacy.

Grant Jenkins is a High Performance Coach who has 15 years experience in preparing Developmental and Elite Athletes. Contact him on email here or Twitter: @Grant_Jenkins.

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